September 6, 2024 – EU-US Forum Tip Sheet

Welcome to the EU-US Forum Weekly Tip Sheet, your go-to product for information about the EU-US Forum and its work, timely updates on the dangerous far-left ideas coming out of the European Union, and detailed analysis on the key players influencing European politics.

We send this out weekly to keep you apprised of the most important political and policy topics in Europe as we continue to work toward our mission of exposing the EU’s radical agenda and the threat it poses to the US and Western Civilization.

1.BYE BYE [TO SOME] CRIMINALS?: Despite dragging its feet on migrant issues, Germany finally deported Afghan criminals for the first time in THREE YEARS.

Chancellor Scholz’s spokesperson said, “Germany’s security interests clearly outweigh the protection interests of criminals.” 👏👏👏

But here’s the catchonly 28 individuals were deported, and they all earned €1,000 cash.

TOUGH ON IMMIGRATION?: Germany’s liberal ruling government proposed tougher migration reforms and a knife ban last week (days before they lost in recent regional elections to conservatives). But the Greens are holding up the much-needed reforms, including rejecting migrants at the border, which are in line with their recent comments that migration reforms wouldn’t have prevented last week’s terrorist attack.

ELECTION UPDATE: Elections took place in the Eastern Saxony and Thuringia regions this weekend. Conservative parties (AfD and CDU) took home over 55% of the vote in Thuringia and minimized the ruling party’s vote share by over 50% to 13% this past weekend. In Saxony, conservatives won over 60% of the total vote and decreased the ruling party’s rein by more than half to just 4.5%. ⬇️

One party leader called the conservative win “a historic success.” 

The wins are credited to ruling political parties losing public trust and conservatives being intentionally present at the local level, where elections are won.

Conservatives have also been targeted and labeled by security authorities as “extremist organizations aiming to undermine German democracy.” 

Meanwhile, Germany’s hardline conservative party is most popular among young voters in these two regions.

More Immigration in the News

  • Breitbart: The Kids Are All Right: Anti-Mass Migration AfD Most Popular Party Among Young Voters in Germany
  • European Conservative: Italy Cracks Down on Migrant ‘Rescue Ships’
  • Breitbart: Smugglers Kill Again: At Least 12 Dead in English Channel Migrant Boat Disaster
  • @rubnpulido: Are you European? Pay attention, this is what is happening in Spain right now. It doesn’t just affect us, it affects you too. That’s why I’m asking you to take two minutes and pay attention. Our future is at stake and that is why I’m asking you to help me spread the word.

2. STATE AND EU-FUNDED DEPORTATION EVASION: A new investigation found the German Government and the EU are funding a website that helps migrants evade deportation.

The site’s purpose is to fight “against deportations and for the right to freedom of movement for all.”

To avoid deportation, Handbook Germany suggests asylum seekers should fake missing a child so they cannot be deported or legally retaliate with one of its listed lawyers and their contacts on standby. As expected, no need to worry about footing your legal bills — the state will cover them for you in your case against them.

But wait, there’s more! The European Conservative found:“In the event that the application for deportation is approved, the site goes so far as to promote physical resistance, advising rejected applicants to defend themselves on the plane ‘by not sitting on the plane and making it clear that they are not taking the plane of their own free will.’

3. MACRON’S FALL FROM GRACE: Today, French President Emmanuel Macron chose center-right leader and former lead Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier to be France’s next prime minister. The 73-year-old is also a four-time former cabinet minister and two-time EU commissioner.
Although his party, Les Républicains, lost seats in the recent elections, Barnier’s leadership may be something a majority of centrists and conservatives in the Assembly can agree upon.

But the far-left isn’t happy, supporters are already firing off about the news and talking about taking to the streets Saturday in protest.

What They Are Saying:

  • @LouisBoyard: Macron and Le Pen have just reached an agreement for Michel Barnier to become Prime Minister.
    Obsessed with immigration, voted against decriminalization of homosexuality, opposes wealth sharing.


    Barnier is being censored.
    Macron is being dismissed.
    We are demonstrating on September 7th.

  • @marinetondelier: Michel Barnier’s appointment to Matignon: who are we kidding?All that for that… Reaction @EELV ⤵️ [Service message to all voters of #NouveauFrontPopulaire : above all, do not give up. This is exactly what they are waiting for. And @CastetsLucie we continue!

  • @JLMelenchon: Emmanuel Macron officially denies the result of the legislative elections.He has just appointed Michel Barnier. A member, among others, of a party that came last in the legislative election.

    Emmanuel Macron stole the election from the French people.


Macron’s summer of stalling to choose a new prime minister ruffled some feathers, leading to a top former prime minister predicting his rapid demise. 

Former center-right PM Edouard Philippe announced a very early candidacy for President (Macron’s term does not end until 2027) in anticipation of an early resignation and election in the coming months. Philippe informed his party to “be ready for spring” 2025 elections. 

Even with a PM choice, Macron and his snap elections created a divisive government that Macron may be unable to dig himself out of. Critics are saying France will not be able to pass a budget or solve the other policy issues France is facing with Macron in his current role. 

POLITICO named France’s current political climate the most unstable since the Fifth Republic. Macron’s decision to gamble with a snap election win didn’t play out exactly as he hoped. This gamble is not only costing him his political capital but is putting his entire job on the chopping block much earlier than expected.

POWER HUNGRY 🤤: EU Parliament President Roberta Metsola met with Donald Tusk, Poland’s prime minister, last week and called for “structural change” in the EU (that’s code for needing even MORE power to execute their goals, taking more from its member states’ sovereignty and rights to make their own laws for themselves).

Eurocrats don’t need to dictate every move Europeans can or cannot make, but Metsola does not agree. She said, “Our Union is a constantly changing project which requires constant adjusting. We have to understand that the current structure of the EU will not be appropriate anymore in a Union counting 32, 33 or 35 members.

What does she want to do with this increased power? More climate goals and environmental overregulation for “sustainable development” under the guise of increasing the EU’s “competitiveness.”

More EU News

  • POLITICO: The Metsola exception: The European Parliament president and her lobbyist husband
  • POLITICO: The full lineup for the new EU Commission
  • European Conservative: Gender Parity Pressure Continues After Deadline for EU Commission Nominations Pass
  • POLITICO: The secretive €6M EU lobby group paying for lawmakers to stay in fancy hotels
  • POLITICO: EU lawmakers slam Vestager for moving to fill controversial economist job
  • POLITICO: Slovenia’s male commissioner nominee drops out amid von der Leyen’s gender equality push


  • POLITICO: The drift toward unfreedom
  • The Sun: BUTT STOPS HERE Smoking to be BANNED in pub gardens, outside footy stadiums & in kids’ parks, leaked government plans reveal
  • POLITICO: The plan to save European farming
  • European Conservative: Italy Cracks Down on Migrant ‘Rescue Ships
  • POLITICO: France’s former PM Philippe: ‘I will be a candidate in the next presidential election’

SEND US YOUR VIDEOS: Do you have videos or stories about the impact of the EU’s disastrous policies? Send us a tip at

👮 JAIL-TIME FOR REJECTING THE NARRATIVE: A teacher in Ireland was fired and imprisoned for the third time for not using gender-affirming commands.

The teacher, Enoch Burke, has been imprisoned altogether for over a year, more than 400 days, serving time for not gender-affirming students as a teacher.

What’s also interesting is the Judge who ordered his arrest previously represented TUSLA, the national child protection agency, that incessantly pushes gender ideology.

What They Are Saying: 

  • @ChuckCallesto: This is a travesty against free speech and responsibility.
  • @RadioGenoa: Teacher Enoch Burke arrested at Wilson’s Hospital School in Ireland after refusing to endorse and affirm transgender ideology. For him there are only two genders: male and female. Do you agree with him?
  • @EndWokeness: Irish teacher Enoch Burke refused to refer to a male student by she/her pronouns due to his Christian faith. After the incident, he was fired. When he tried to show up at work, he was jailed. He will remain in prison indefinitely unless he complies with a court order that would ban him from that school forever.
  • @JustinPetersMin: May God bless this man and his family. What an utter shame. If I were one of these officers, I would resign my job before putting this man in a cage. Shame on them and shame on Ireland’s government.
    This ideology will be ushered in here, too, if Harris wins