August 15, 2024 – EU-US Forum Tip Sheet

Welcome to the EU-US Forum Weekly Tip Sheet, your go-to product for information about the EU-US Forum and its work, timely updates on the dangerous far-left ideas coming out of the European Union, and detailed analysis on the key players influencing European politics.

We send this out weekly to keep you apprised of the most important political and policy topics in Europe as we continue to work toward our mission of exposing the EU’s radical agenda and the threat it poses to the US and Western Civilization.

1. FORMER TRUMP OFFICIALS CALL OUT THE EU: We were joined in Vienna, Austria Tuesday by Richard Grenell, former Ambassador to Germany and Director of National Intelligence, and Guy Benson, Fox News Contributor, nationally-syndicated radio host, Townhall political editor, author, and columnist, for a news-making fireside chat.

Watch the full video of the event HERE.

Ambassador Grenell and Guy Benson discussed the future of EU-US relations and current events, including the EU’s attempt to censor President Trump’s X Spaces interview Monday night and Kamala Harris’s recent nomination. This was Grenell’s first long-form interview of this kind this election season. Grenell notably shared his insights about the possibility of a future Trump Administration and how President Trump would approach global matters in his second term.

Our very own Matt Mowers, founding board member of the EU-US Forum and former Senior White House Advisor at the U.S. Department of State, also gave introductory remarks.

👀 Highlights to Watch:

  • Ambassador Richard Grenell calls EU bureaucrats “enemies of free speech” 🫢 🫠 🫡
  • The advice Ambassador Richard gives world leaders when asked how they can prepare for another Trump term
  • Matt Mowers calls out the EU for ignoring the will of European voters by refusing to change leadership 🗳️
  • 😵‍💫🥴 “The most radical nominee America has ever seen” – Ambassador Richard Grenell on Kamala Harris

What They Are Saying👇:

  • POLITICO: Brussels Playbook: Trump allies step up row over election ‘interference’
  • Kurier: Republican Festival in Vienna: Trump confidant rails against Biden and the EU
  • DerStandard: Trump confidant Grenell explained Republican foreign policy in Vienna
  • NZZ: Threat to freedom of expression? EU Commissioner Breton and entrepreneur Musk argue about new law
  • Fox News Radio: Guy Benson Show From Austria: Richard Grenell Joins the Show and Discusses 2024, EU Censorship, and if He’d Join the Trump Administration
  • Fox News Radio: Matt Mowers of the EU-US Forum: European Voters Are “Fed Up” With Leftist Policies
  • C-SPAN: Former Trump Official on EU-U.S. Relations
  • @Machiavelli_it: 🇪🇺🇺🇸 The future of US-EU relations. It was discussed yesterday in Vienna 🇦🇹, featuring @RichardGrenell , thanks to the @EUUSForum . The Machiavelli was there with our fellow Lorenzo Bernasconi. @mowers [Pictures]
  • @GuyBensonShow: UNDER THE HOOD: Are there cracks beginning to show in the Democratic Party following the surge of unity behind Kamala Harris?We bring you the #guybensonshow TODAY from the 🇺🇸 AND 🇦🇹 with special guests @RichardGrenell and @TheLeoTerrell. Listen at!
  • @mowers: joined @wolfblitzer earlier today from Vienna to discuss the upcoming election and highlighted @RichardGrenell’s comments to @guypbenson at the @EUUSForum about the need to back up words with deeds in foreign policy
  • @cspanradio: Former Trump Official Richard Grenell Discusses EU-US Relations at @EUUSForum in Vienna, Austria. Listen NOW🎧 here ➡️
  • @GuyBensonShow: Thank you to the @EUUSForum for hosting us in Vienna, Austria this week!
  • Guy was joined by @mowers and @RichardGrenell while across the pond, and you can listen to both interviews and MORE at!
  • @guypgenson: Coming up: A full hour with @RichardGrenell, from Vienna, Austria. Newsy interview with someone exceptionally well plugged-in with Trumpworld… 🎙️🇺🇸🇦🇹🇪🇺 @EUUSForum
  • @GuyBensonShow: GBS FROM VIENNA: Today from Vienna, Austria, we sat down with @mowers of @EUUSForum to discuss EU and US politics, Venezuela, and MORE! Listen to the full interview from across the pond below!


Numerous EU “center” and leftist leaders wrote letters in efforts to put pressure on US-based company, X, to censor content. Liberal Renew party’s Valérie Hayer and Billy Kelleher claimed in a letter to EU leadership that under X’s new leadership, the platform is guilty of the destabilization” of Europe, “driving political violence,” and “dissemination of illegal content.” 🧐

EU Commissioner, Thierry Breton, then wrote a letter against X’s allowance of free speech. Brenton specifically voiced concerns and threatened additional legal action over Elon Musk’s upcoming interview with Trump being able to be viewed by EU citizens claiming it would be “harmful,” have “detrimental effects on civic discourse and public security,” and would “incite violence, hate and racism.”

All those claims are illegal under the EU’s recently implemented Digital Services Act (DCA) that the European left is using to legally implement political censorship against those who are not in line with their radical ideology.

If you didn’t already think the EU wanted their radical leftist policies over here in the US before, then we hope this makes you take another look.

These attacks, directly in response to Trump’s interview on the platform, led his campaign to call the EU’s censorship efforts “medl[ing] in the US Presidential election.

Breton was thrown under the bus by his fellow Eurocrats, saying they had no part in his letter nor approved it.

What They Are Saying:

  • POLITICO: EU takes shot at Musk over Trump interview – and misses
  • Reuters: EU’s Breton says Musk must comply with EU law ahead of Trump interview
  • CNBC: EU warns Elon Musk ahead of Trump interview to keep hate speech off X
  • Financial Times: Brussels slaps down Thierry Breton over ‘harmful content’ letter to Elon Musk
  • @ThierryBreton: With great audience comes greater responsibility #DSA As there is a risk of amplification of potentially harmful content in 🇪🇺 in connection with events with major audience around the world, I sent this letter to @elonmusk [Picture of letter] 📧⤵️
  • @jefferyatucker: Why did The EU throw Thierry Breton under the bus? Because his letter made them look ridiculous. The censors never want to go on the record. They want to censor in silence through other more surreptitious means, small bureaucratic tricks and barriers plus private intimidation.

3. GERMANY CAN’T DECIDE: Germany is constantly second guessing their extreme liberal policies when they turn out to be failures. This week’s edition – border checks.

Germany’s ruling elites are finally raising concerns about the mass illegal migration they have been facing for years after receiving the highest number of illegal immigrants in the country in seven years in 2023, putting Chancellor Olaf Scholz in the hot seat by friends and foes to reinstitute the previously dismantled strong border policies.

Germany is “the primary destination of illegal migrants coming to the EU from North Africa and the Middle East,” causing leftist-run Germany to reinstate temporary border checks in the fall of 2023, but the EPP affiliated party in Germany, CDU, and others on the left want the border checks made permanent after supporting the EU’s weak and Migration Pact through its passage earlier this year.

Germany’s CDU party specifically called for permanent border enforcement to be reinstituted, highlighting methods “that do not cost money, but could very quickly change the mood in the country for the better.

SECRET HOME RAIDS: But just when there was a sliver of hope in the EU’s liberal nesting grounds of Germany, it’s announced that their Interior Minister wants to conduct secret home raids for anti-terrorism efforts.

But don’t they consider conservatives not far from synonymous with terrorists? 🔔 ding 🔔 ding 🔔 ding – That’s correct! And the proposal reflects it. ⬇️

Hidden under the cloak of positive work to prevent terrorism, Germany hopes to permit secret home raids of those who “attempt to destabilise the constitutional order,” and as an additional step to current online and phone surveillance. 😳

These grounds sound very similar to the EU’s claims against someone interviewing a former president on a social media platform, not to mention how this will impact everyday Germans.

How many conservatives in Germany won’t be able to voice dissent against this regime? What will be stretched to be considered an “attempt to destabilize constitutional order?

Currently, home raids require court orders and informing the homeowner. It is uncertain how those guardrails could be changed under these new powers.

GREEN DEAL ARCHITECT GOES PRIVATE: One of the EU’s main architects of their Green Deal has joined a European gas company after a conflict of interest and influence review by the EU. The former Commission official is now the chair of the gas company’s Supervisory Board with undisclosed restrictions from the EU.

The EU typically imposes restrictions on former employees such as disallowing communication with former coworkers and limiting activities related to EU legislation and cases. Ex-officials are also not allowed to lobby the Commission in areas they previously worked on for a year after their departure.

The former official, Diederik Samson, spent five years at the European Commission, leading multiple policy efforts in the name of reversing climate change to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions. These efforts aimed to move the EU against the use of natural gas, the industry the company operates in, and restrict the fuels power factories and individuals’ homes are allowed to use. 

As Board chair, Samson says he wants the company to move away from the natural gas industry and towards “cleaner” fuels.


SEND US YOUR VIDEOS: Do you have videos or stories about the impact of the EU’s disastrous policies? Send us a tip at

MELONI MODELS ANTI-ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION POLICIES: Italy’s capital had a 62.4% reduction in incoming illegal immigrants so far this year after their conservative government changed incentive policies and a tumultuous previous year.

Meloni’s policies focus on the near and long term and include partnering with origin nations, soon-to-open offshore (outside the EU) asylum processing centers, involuntary returns and assisting with voluntary returns, reintegration assistance to origin nations to ensure they do not reenter the EU or Italy, shorter asylum processes, age verification, longer detention times for failed asylum seekers, and loophole elimination concerning NGOs shipping migrants over.

But other nations without these policies in the Mediterranean are not as lucky to have the same policies. Spain and Greece experienced 155% and 222% increases in their incoming illegal immigration respectively so far this year.