August 22, 2024 – EU-US Forum Tip Sheet

Welcome to the EU-US Forum Weekly Tip Sheet, your go-to product for information about the EU-US Forum and its work, timely updates on the dangerous far-left ideas coming out of the European Union, and detailed analysis on the key players influencing European politics.

We send this out weekly to keep you apprised of the most important political and policy topics in Europe as we continue to work toward our mission of exposing the EU’s radical agenda and the threat it poses to the US and Western Civilization.

1. 🫢 🙄 GERMANY’S REAL “DISINFORMATION”: While the EU liberal elites cry “disinformation” against those who threaten their power, Germany’s Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, has declared that “irregular” immigration in the country has drastically diminished the past three years under his administration and party’s control. 
There’s one catch — the actual numbers published by Germany’s Federal Office for Migration and Refugees and Federal Police say the opposite. Illegal immigration and asylum applications have soared under Germany’s liberal immigration policies.

Whether it’s Olaf Scholz or Kamala Harris, liberal elites are being caught red-handed, misleading people on their worsening border crises and the danger that comes with them. They want you to think mass illegal immigration occuring in our countries is just a figment of our imagination while simultaneously trying to cover up their policies that encourage more illegal immigration.


Scholz took office in December of 2021.

Based on these numbers from his own government, someone needs to inform the Chancellor that illegal entries into his country have more than DOUBLED, and asylum applications have almost doubled on HIS watch. Those stats don’t sound like something to brag about.

2. FRANCE’S NEXT TOP LEFTIST: Emmanuel Macron held meetings this week with party leaders to decide who the nation’s next Prime Minister will be following his snap elections that knocked out his ally from the role.
Who’s up for the job?

  • Far-Left Lucie Castets, of the New Popular Front (NFP) – the far-left group Macron handed the elections over to and includes the Communists, Socialists, and Greens – threw her hat in the ring, but Macron is not a fan of that choice.
  • Ex-Socialist, and still a far-left MP, Bernard Cazeneuve (not in the NFP), who briefly served as Prime Minister from December 2016 to May 2017.
  • Center-right Xavier Bertrand is also rumored to be considered for the role, but after Macron’s reaction to a potential red wave during the elections, we seriously doubt Macron would ever choose someone from the opposite side of the aisle.

Meanwhile, the French left is continuing their infighting over who they think should be the next Prime Minister of France and how they want the new government handled. One even called for Macron to be impeached because he said he would not appoint Castets as PM, but others denounced the impeachment idea, including party leaders within his faction.

Macron hopes to take advantage of their breakage as he chooses a Prime Minister of his own.

3. GERMAN VISA SCANDAL 😳: Meanwhile, recent news reports expose Germany’s lax vetting process that “skimped on following due diligence when evaluating family reunification applications from foreign nationals.”
Annalena Baerbock, Germany’s Foreign Minister, instructed embassies, especially in Africa and Asia, back in 2022 to speed up applications, stripping officials from utilizing vetting measures for those coming into Germany.

Then, when a high-ranking employee who worked at an embassy in the Middle East spoke up against her security concerns, Baerbock sidelined her and hired someone else in her place to do the work.

Baerbock, caught in her poor decision-making, testified that she moved the official off her duties, not because she pushed back against her bad policy, but to take some of the heavy workload off of her plate.

German MP Detlef Seif said of her testimony,

In my opinion, the need for reorganization [of the embassy] is a good excuse claimed by the federal government, but the real reason is sidelining a civil servant who was more concerned about Germany’s security than ideological and political requirements.

More News in Germany:

EU’S TOP JOBS SHAKING OUT: EU nations are finishing putting forth their nominees to fill the rest of Ursula von der Leyen’s senior executive leadership positions in the European Council. Those nominees will be voted on by the entire European Parliament.

The Commission is responsible for proposing laws for Parliament to vote on and implementing new laws Parliament has enacted. Once approved by Parliament, the Commissioners will be assigned a policy area to govern by Commission President von der Leyen. POLITICO this week called the Commission “a trendy nightclub with a long line of eager party animals desperate to be admitted.”

Other senior political positions under the Commissioners are up for grabs in the coming weeks, and the competition is heating up all around as the EU finalizes roles for its next five years.


  • Breitbart: UK Gov’t to Release Some 5,500 Prisoners Early to Free Space Amid Sentencing of Rioters
  • POLITICO: Germany ties itself to Taiwan on chips. It comes with risks.
  • Breitbart: ‘Blasphemy Laws’? Non-Violent Man Jailed for 18 Months After Chanting ‘Who the F*** Is Allah’ During England Riot
  • Rho Motion: European EV Sales Fall Year on Year: 13 August 2024
  • Breitbart: Top EU Lawmaker Threatens to Ban Elon Musk’s X in Europe over ‘Hate Speech and Disinformation’
  • POLITICO: Serbia’s leader wins the West with promises of ‘white gold’ — but loses the people
  • Reuters: German warships await orders on crossing Taiwan Strait
  • European Conservative: Threats and Protests Disrupt AfD Campaigns Ahead of State Elections

SEND US YOUR VIDEOS: Do you have videos or stories about the impact of the EU’s disastrous policies? Send us a tip at

THE EU’S EPICENTER OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: A new report from the Spanish Civil Guard reveals that the Canary Islands off the coast of North West Africa are experiencing “extreme levels” of illegal immigration and expect the problem to worsen through the end of the month.

The small islands had 2,200 illegals arrive last month, barely shy of the monthly record of 2,260 (2006). The Civil Guard expects to surpass that number this month, setting a new record, as weather conditions improve for sailing to the islands.

CONCERNING NUMBERS: 85% of illegal immigrants they receive are male adults, 7% are women, and 8% are minors.

Many in North Africa travel the shorter distance to the Canary Islands to get into the EU and be able to migrate elsewhere in the main continent.