August 29, 2024 – EU-US Forum Tip Sheet

Welcome to the EU-US Forum Weekly Tip Sheet, your go-to product for information about the EU-US Forum and its work, timely updates on the dangerous far-left ideas coming out of the European Union, and detailed analysis on the key players influencing European politics.

We send this out weekly to keep you apprised of the most important political and policy topics in Europe as we continue to work toward our mission of exposing the EU’s radical agenda and the threat it poses to the US and Western Civilization.

1. 🥴 MIGRATION PACT’S TROUBLE IN PARADISE: Hungary has challenged the EU’s Migration Pact since its creation and is offering to send the migrants they receive to Brussels, stating, “If Brussels wants migrants, it can have them.” 
But now Hungary isn’t the only country pushing back against this horrible migration policy. Germany is now fed up too, causing their liberal government and Chancellor to promise and call for a better policy that addresses the Migration Pact’s inefficacies. 

The European Conservative writes: “On Monday, August 26th, Scholz not only promised to tighten domestic regulations but also called for an international “task force” of selected European Union member states to reevaluate the entire bloc’s asylum and migration strategy—even though Brussels’ flagship ‘Migration Pact’ was passed just months ago, after being in the works for nearly a decade.”

The reason for Scholz’s shift? News of another deadly knife attack in which an ISIS-affiliated, young, male Syrian illegal immigrant killed three and injured eight at a festival last weekend. The terrorist was a failed asylum seeker rejected early last year but was allowed to stay in Germany for six more months. Why?

 After the attack, ISIS claimed the murderer as their “soldier” and that the attack was “revenge for Muslims in Palestine and everywhere.” 

Liberals’ threshold for change? A terrorist attack… as if there were not numerous warning signs and similar violent instances before. 😔 

Germany’s Christian Democrats (CDU) are now advocating for immediate changes at the EU and in German law. Meanwhile, the Greens claim that stricter laws would NOT have prevented the terrorist attack…🤔 

“The terrible crime… could have been prevented with stricter laws.” – Greens Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck 

By the Numbers: Since December 2023, almost a quarter of a million people in Germany were supposed to be deported. In 2023, only 16,000 of those were deported the entire calendar year.

What They Are Saying:

  • @EU-USForum: WOW: ‘Scholz Calls for EU “Task Force” Against Migration After Deadly Terror Attack’ Although this should have happened long before, this is huge news for Germany. Will Scholz finally take the hint and start taking the immigration issue seriously?
  • @PeterSweden7: Turns out that the 26 year old asylum seeker behind the terr*r attack in Germany that killed 3 people was supposed to have been deported.
  • @stillgray: Germany’s interior minister Nancy Faeser’s biggest concern over the mass stabbing in Solingen is for society to not be “divided” by the far right. God forbid people are concerned about mass migration.
  • @addicted2newz: Imagine finding out that three innocent people were killed at a horrific Islamist terror attack in Germany, and your reaction is to be worried about the ‘far-right’…

This is utterly absurd.

  • @visegrad24: Geert Wilders says it’s time to start deporting Syrian asylum seekers after the terror attacker in Germany: “All of Europe is bursting with refugees, many of whom are from Syria. Syrian terror suspects have also been arrested in asylum centres in the Netherlands. Why are we still letting Syrians in en masse? … I will propose during the upcoming parliamentary session that Netherlands also declares Syria (partly) safe and in principle no longer grant Syrians a residence permit and send back Syrians who are already in the Netherlands and do not yet have a permanent residence permit. That would be an important step because Syrians are the largest group of all asylum applicants. It would substantially alleviate both our security and the asylum crisis – and the major shortages on the housing market and elsewhere!”
  • @dwnews: A deadly knife attack in Germany’s Solingen city has refocused attention on German laws regulating the carrying of knives in public. Should knives of all sizes be completely banned from public spaces? [link]
  • @darrengrimes_: Bloody hell. Several people have been killed and many others injured in a knife attack at the Festival of Diversity in Solingen, Germany. A man reportedly stabbed civilians indiscriminately at the festival.
  • @RMSnews: 🇩🇪 Germans say they’re “shocked” about the mass stabbing by a Syrian national at the “Festival of Diversity” in Solingen. But there is nothing to be shocked about. Knife crime in Germany is soaring, predominantly due to mass immigration. That is a statistical fact.
  • POLITICO: Migration bursts back on EU stage — thanks to Scholz
  • POLITICO: Migration smashes into German elections after deadly knife attack
  • AP News: German leader vows tougher knife laws and more deportations after fatal attack in Solingen
  • Euronews: Failed Syrian asylum seeker arrested after knife attack in Germany

More on Immigration:

  • DPA News: German police report major rise in migrant smuggling cases for 2023
  • European Conservative: ​​Germany: Migrants ‘Injuring Themselves To Avoid Deportation’
  • Breitbart: People Smugglers Throwing Boat Migrants Overboard to Evade Capture, Say Greek Authorities
  • European Conservative: German Government Wants To Pay Failed Afghan Asylum Seekers To Leave

2. 🇫🇷 FRANCE IN DENIAL 🤯: As French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal’s “stabilization” government comes to an end, Attal put out a controversial budget memo caping their 2025 spending to 2024 amounts despite the new government having not been formed to decide what the 2025 national budget will be.

Following this summer’s snap elections that upended the rein of Attal and Macron’s party, many were unhappy about Macron keeping Attal’s government in power following his appropriate resignation in response to the election results against his party. One news outlet calls this “a denial of democracy” since Attal is not supposed to be in power anymore, yet is sending out official orders to government ministries.

Attal refuted the denial claims, saying that it was a technical action typically sent out during this time each year and doesn’t disallow future budget changes a new government may make. But time is running out for a 2025 budget. It will need to be sent to Parliament by October 1, just over a month from now, for expected heavy debate and alterations to then be voted on before the year ends.

SO WHO’S NEXT?: Macron seems to be in no rush to appoint a new Prime Minister but has ruled out anyone from the radical leftist New Popular Front (NFP), the group that prevented a conservative win for him in the elections two months ago.

Macron met with National Rally’s Le Pen and Jordan Bardella earlier this week to discuss the prime ministership, as he has with other party leaders. Following the meeting and NFP’s push and threats for their socialist candidate, Le Pen and Macron both came out against an NFP government.

With no party or coalition majority in the Assembly, there’s no clear choice for a new Prime Minister, and it’s up to Macron to decide who will fill the role.

Macron is already dealing with the ramifications of causing chaos and instability throughout the country and government. More may ensue depending on his decision for prime minister. Macron’s purely political decision during the elections and ignorance of the will of the French people has put the country in a bad position.

What They Are Saying:

  • @RnaudBertrand: Quite an incredible move in French politics today that might reveal that we’re in fact witnessing nothing less than a coup by Macron.
  • @DC_Draino: It’s very simple Macron has orchestrated a coup against France’s voters and now he’s imprisoning the free press who criticize him He has officially become a dictator
  • @RnaudBertrand: Update: it’s now official, in a just-released communiqué Macron has rejected a government led by the New Popular Front (NPF). It’s an unprecedented situation in the history of the 5th French Republic: the loser in the election effectively rejects yielding power to the winner.

He explains it by the fact that his “responsibility is to ensure that the country be neither blocked nor weakened”, arguing that were he to nominate a NPF government they’d soon be censored by parliament and destituded. That may be the case but still this awfully inconvenient fact remains: Macron’s party got way less votes and MPs than the NPF, yet it is Macron’s party that’s still running the French government, and it is Macron himself making choices on who can or cannot assume power based on what he thinks would “weaken France” or not. It’s insane when you think about it.

3. GERMANY’S €€€ FOR MIGRANTS: Germany’s human trafficking incidents rose by 60% in 2023 from the year before, totaling almost 8,000 incidents recorded. That’s just the number of occurrences police caught. It’s safe to assume there are countless more out there police were not able to track. Additionally, the number of criminals involved rose by 26% to 4,404.

Syrians, Turks, and Afghans are the majority of nationalities represented. People are also increasingly smuggled in shipping containers, and the average number of people found in vans (the most common transportation mode) has almost doubled from 10 to 19.

Meanwhile, Germany’s far-left coalition has come up with a solution: pay “asylum seekers” to leave. Coined “financial travel support,” many are skeptical of the success of such a program, including a Swedish study that refutes its efficacy. The study concluded that “no methods are to be found” that increase the voluntary returns of migrants and described paying immigrants to return as “risky and best avoided.”

Offering these failed asylum seekers “start-up money” to cover food and housing back in their home country, the program continues the EU’s spectacular illegal immigration incentivization, paying them to stop breaking the law.

Denmark currently pays immigrants €20,000, in addition to medical costs and education, to return to their origin nation.

VDL’s DEI PICKS: Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s cabinet is taking shape, with almost all nominees locked in to be voted on by Parliament next month. But VDL’s overwhelmingly Leftist lineup is not enough for her. Why not? Because it’s not DEI enough for her. 

VDL has promised a gender balanced cabinet, but the member nations have ignored her request and put forth who they think is best for the job to represent their nation in the EU. 

Currently, 17 of the 24 selected nominees (three members left to nominate) are male. Due to the disproportionate ratio, it’s reported that the Commission president is using her power to force smaller members, including
Malta, to change their nominations, against their own national interests, to women in the name of DEI.

Rather than ensuring the BEST candidate is put forward for the job, VDL and the EU would rather have a cabinet that looks equal in a picture, and the power truly lies in her hands as she decides each commissioner’s post and her job is secure.

VDL’s gender equality fixation is puzzling given four of the EU’s top five jobs are set to be held by women for this five-year term.


  • POLITICO: Poland’s presidential campaign kicks off — 9 months before the vote
  • WSJ: Telegram Founder Was Wooed and Targeted by Governments
  • POLITICO: Poland warns Europe to prepare for ‘change’ in US ties, regardless of next president
  • POLITICO: Telegram CEO’s brother also wanted by French authorities
  • POLITICO: China hits back at electric vehicle tariffs with probe into EU dairy
  • POLITICO: Ursula von der Leyen’s second term from hell
  • @EUUSForum: The EU is responsible for enacting disastrous policies that have left working families in Europe crippled as a result of harsh regulations and open border policies. 

If we don’t stop it at its source in Brussels, it will reach America. We can’t let that happen.

SEND US YOUR VIDEOS: Do you have videos or stories about the impact of the EU’s disastrous policies? Send us a tip at

As mentioned last week, officials expect their total immigration numbers to break the monthly record this month and reach 50,000 total illegal immigrants by the end of the year due to instability in neighboring African countries.

Notably, the Spanish press mentioned that the surge in the Spanish islands is also due to migrants’ difficulty getting into Italy because of its deterrent conservative policies, including going after “humanitarian” ships that are trying to smuggle people into the country. Because of its change in policy, Italy has reduced immigration by 64% so far this year, while Spain’s has risen by 65%.

It couldn’t be clearer here that tougher immigration policies and their enforcement are effective (@ Germany’s Greens) and should be enacted throughout the continent to put an end to the EU’s detrimental migrant crisis.