July 11, 2024 – EU-US Forum Tip Sheet

Welcome to the EU-US Forum Weekly Tip Sheet, your go-to product for information about the EU-US Forum and its work, timely updates on the dangerous far-left ideas coming out of the European Union, and detailed analysis on the key players influencing European politics.

We send this out weekly to keep you apprised of the most important political and policy topics in Europe as we continue to work toward our mission of exposing the EU’s radical agenda and the threat it poses to the US and Western Civilization.

1. A RISING TIDE… 🌊⛵: Despite the National Rally’s strong lead in the first round of the snap elections, Macron’s sleazy deal with the far-left gave the radical liberals (New Popular Front) the most seats (but still less than a majority) in the Assembly and cost his own party (Ensemble) 76 seats after France’s second round of voting this past Sunday.


This further demonstrates that the European “center-left” is not “center” at all and they will abandon their principles to defeat, what they call, the threat of the far-right (AKA conservatives).

These results still leave French conservatives stronger and much more represented in government, but most likely give the far-left party the Prime Minister’s seat and leave

France’s leadership is now in limbo as Macron now has to continue to bow to the far-left even after spoon-feeding their victory.

Despite not reaching the anticipated victory, National Rally had a historic victory for the party and increased their seats from 89 to 142 (+53) from the last election just two years ago. Macron’s party lost 76, nearly a third of their seats, leaving them at 161 and the far-left, New Popular Front, gained 57 to a total of 188 seats.

How did the far-left celebrate? The same way they revolted against signs of a conservative victory the week before – with rioting in the streets. Do you think the “center-left” is regretting their choice to align with them to defeat the right?

LE PEN TARGETED? On a similar note, days after the election wrapped up, it was leaked that the Paris judicial system is targeting Marine Le Pen and opened an investigation into “campaign financing concerns” from her 2022 presidential race, a year and a half after the campaign’s expenses were already reviewed and approved and reimbursed by the national committee scrutinizing campaign spending. Just like in America, the left just cannot get enough of weaponizing the government to suppress the conservative movement.

What They Are Saying:

  • @EUUSForum: ‘Le Pen Hails ‘Rising Tide’ as Her National Rally Wins Most Seats in History of Party’
    This is a step in the right direction for France’s Le Pen. [article link]
  • @MLP_officiel: We are doubling our number of MPs. We are progressing against a coalition of all movements ranging from LR to France Insoumise.
    The tide continues to rise and our victory is now only delayed.
  • @MLP_officiel: At the service of the French, ready to defend the interests of our country! 🇫🇷 [picture]
  • @CollinRugg: NEW: After her party performed too well in France’s election, it has been revealed that an investigation was launched into right-wing leader Marine Le Pen for her 2022 campaign finances.
    Wow, France sounds just like the United States.
    Paris prosecutors say they are investigating allegations regarding “embezzlement, forgery, fraud” along with an allegation that Le Pen accepted a loan.
    “The investigation was opened a week ago following a 2023 report by the National Commission on Campaign Accounts and Political Financing (CNCCFP),” the BBC reported.
    No other information was released.
  • @WallStreetSilv: France has surrendered to the radical left
  • @realmichaelseif: France is a warning sign.
    Let the third world invade your country, ensure they vote for you, and you’ll “secure” your power forever – even if you destroy your country in the process.
  • @EUUSForum: The Far-Left in France are now resorting to attacking police in violent riots after the recent elections.
    This is the Far-Left as we know it.
  • @MarinaMedvin: While waiving Palestinian flags, Arabs walked through France shouting the following phrases:

2. ​​THE SOCIALISTS’ PLAN FOR FRANCE IS 🗑️: The brilliant minds of the far left are at it again, pushing dangerous ideas as they assume their new leading role in the French government (again due to Macron handing it over to them).

Instead of addressing the rampant migrant crime, or out of control costs, the first thing on their agenda is a socialist, 90% tax on higher earners. REMEMBER, the French already face a top statutory marginal personal income tax rate of 55.4% tax rate, one of the highest in the EU and the world. For context: the average top tax rate in the EU is 16% higher than the current top individual tax rate in the United States (37% rate).

Take a look at the New Popular Front’s entire policy platform, it’s wildly socialist. Here are some of their top ides:

  • Taxing those making over €400,000 a year 90%
  • Drastically increase the national minimum wage
  • Institute price controls on essential foods and energy such as electricity, gas, and oil
  • More large investments in The Green Deal

Here’s what that really means for the French citizens ⬇️

  • Make families and individuals poor
  • Require companies to raise consumer prices, especially common goods and needs, to pay for a minimum wage increase
  • Have the government take over corporations or greatly subsidize them because they can’t pay for increased labor costs
  • Kill cheap energy availability and make most of the nation dependent on government programs

3. 🚨 PATRIOTS FOR EUROPE!: A new conservative coalition, Patriots for Europe, has reached 84 MEPs from 12 countries since its formation just last week, making it the third largest group in EU Parliament. Patriots for Europe now has greater numbers than the Conservatives and Reformists and Renew. This new group effectively replaced / “rebranded” Identity and Democracy.

Also this week, National Rally’s Jordan Bardella was named the president of Patriots for Europe. Bardella said Patriots for Europe:

represent[s] hope for the tens of millions of citizens in the European Nations who value their identity, their sovereignty and their freedom. As patriotic forces, we are going to work together in order to retake our institutions and reorient policies to serve our nations and peoples.

He also stated that the group will “influence the power balance in Europe, to refuse being flooded by migrants, punitive environmentalism, and the confiscation of our sovereignty.”

If Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) joined in, Patriots for Europe would be the second largest group with 162 members, just behind EPP’s reigning lead with 188.

🗳️🤫 SECRET VOTE ON URSULA: Von der Leyen’s leftist alliance may not get her enough votes to solidify her second term as a few are withholding their support, many due to her pro-Israel comments. The vote is likely to take place next Thursday, July 18th, and will be held in its secret vote, further allowing MEPs to sway from their typical party lines and agreements; “But even if hands are shaken and deals made, MEPs can still choose to vote against von der Leyen without anyone ever knowing.”  

To win a second term as Commission Presidency, von der Leyen will need at least 361, a majority, of Parliament’s 720 seats.

Politico reports that von der Leyen and her team are hounding down MEPs one by one to see if they can count on their vote, or if not if they can convince them otherwise (they still cannot for sure know if their support will come to fruition with the secret voting). 

Yet Ursula is caving to leftist demands and burning bridges with the increasingly influential right (whose vote she may need). Von der Leyen just affirmed that she will NOT even cooperate with ECR for her entire next five-year term or any “far-right” group at the behest of the far-left. 

GRAB YOUR POPCORN 🍿 because, either way, it will be very interesting to see if she makes it across the finish line and if so, what deals are made to get her there. 

If she fails to earn a second term, the European Council will have a month to propose another candidate… of which there are no clear backup options.


  • European Conservative: The Center Cannot Hold
  • EuroNews: Orbán’s big Hungarian presidency speech blocked by European Parliament
  • Fortune: Hold on to your Pampers: Diaper and tampon shortages predicted this summer as new European law threatens the $3.5 billion supply chain
  • European Conservative: France in the Grip of Political Chaos


  • EuroNews: New EU migration rules neglect cities’ needs and fail to uphold human rights
  • @RadioGenoa: Brave woman in UK tells an uncomfortable truth: “I have been living in London for 10 years and I have never felt as unsafe as I do now due to mass immigration. It is very difficult to talk about it because they accuse us of racism but this is the reality.” Thoughts?
  • @EUUSForum: This is the known consequence of mass migration. The native citizens become less safe and targets in their own country.
    Enough is enough. Close the external borders and protect national sovereignty.

SEND US YOUR VIDEOS: Do you have videos or stories about the impact of the EU’s disastrous policies? Send us a tip at info@eu-usforum.com.

🕵️ 👀BIG BROTHER IS ALWAYS WATCHING: European intelligence agencies and regulators, specifically those in Germany, are now seeking to surveil cars and the phones they are paired to.

Governments have been meeting with car manufacturers and law enforcement since the spring “demanding real-time data on a car’s location, driver history, and even the number of people sitting in the vehicle at any one time.” Where did their freedom go? 😳

Understandably, these moves and similar prior efforts have been criticized for their overreach into private lives and lack of guardrails for how far they can go. One organization criticized the move saying, “[the] new law would treat large parts of the population as criminals before proven otherwise.”

IMAGINE THIS: The idea of an EU-wide driver ID database surfaced a couple of years ago and caused similar commotion to which a University of Northumbria law professor asked, “Are we all walking around as citizens? Or are we all walking around as suspects?

The German Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution is one of the main actors pushing these surveillance methods and already has a rap sheet for attacking conservative politicians so we have a small hint as to who their first “suspects” using these methods will be.