June 6, 2024 – EU-US Forum Tip Sheet

Welcome to the EU-US Forum Weekly Tip Sheet, your go-to product for information about the EU-US Forum and its work, timely updates on the dangerous far-left ideas coming out of the European Union, and detailed analysis on the key players influencing European politics.

We send this out weekly to keep you apprised of the most important political and policy topics in Europe as we continue to work toward our mission of exposing the EU’s radical agenda and the threat it poses to the US and Western Civilization.

PROGRAMMING UPDATE: We will be sending out an “emergency newsletter” after the EU elections, stay tuned Monday for our reaction and analysis of the results. To follow along at home this weekend, use this link to track the results in real time starting Sunday and turn on alerts for @EUUSForum on X for our take.

1. 🗳️ EUROPE HEADS TO THE POLLS: Over the next 96 hours, Europeans from across the continent are voting for the European Union’s next 720 parliamentary representatives. For a rundown on the details of the EU elections, click HERE. Results will start to come in Sunday night in the EU and Sunday afternoon through the evening in the US.

Many news outlets are anticipating a major gain in seats for conservative parties, which we also forecasted in our polling we released last week…

SURPRISE, SURPRISE: A majority of Europeans DO NOT think the EU is headed in the right direction under its current left-wing leadership. The EU-US Forum / Tyson Group polling also suggests EU citizens are increasingly looking for conservative policy solutions. Read the details of our findings in the memo HERE.

Rounding out this spring’s ad campaign, DEMANDING CHANGE AT THE EU, the EU-US Forum rolled out its latest ad blitz in Berlin, Germany, Rome, Italy, and Amsterdam, Netherlands on Monday, with billboards, mobile billboards, and 2D projections on famous European architecture.

Messages that were projected on landmarks like the COLOSSEUM and the VAN GOGH MUSEUM included:

  • “Too many taxes. Too much environmental regulation. Free Germany from these economic shackles. Demand change at the EU.”

  • “EU immigration policies are making you less safe.”

  • “Demand free speech. Demand change at the EU.”


  • @EUUSForum: What kind of Europe do you want your kids to grow up in? Let your voice be heard. Demand change at the EU.
  • Washington Post: European Parliament elections 2024: How far right will the E.U. shift?
  • EuroNews: Polls predict far-right majority of Dutch seats in European Parliament
  • Politico: On the campaign with von der Leyen: Lattes, selfies and fake blood
  • Fox News: Europe expected to move right in EU elections amid voter anger over illegal immigration, crime, economy
  • European Conservative: The Transatlantic Significance of the European Elections
  • Politico: Surrounded by colonial history, Wilders campaigns against migration before EU vote
  • European Conservative: “Our Turn”: Why Does Europe’s Youth Turn to the Right?
  • @EvaVlaar: The European elections will be held tomorrow. Here are my two cents on why you should go to vote and why you should vote for people who – just like I do – argue for national exits or the abolishment of the EU. Let’s take the Tower of Babel down and reclaim our sovereignty.

2. 🔪WHEN IS ENOUGH, ENOUGH?: Germany may be hitting a boiling point with criminal illegal immigrants. Last week, a South African transgender refugee stabbed a security guard to death at a refugee shelter just outside of Berlin, and an extremist illegal immigrant from Afghanistan went on a MASS STABBING SPREE at an event that killed a police officer. Following this stabbing spree, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is finally taking actionsaying Germany will deport criminals from Afghanistan and Syria.

After MONTHS of pleading from German citizens who have dealt with this drastic uptick in crime by illegal migrants (Violent crime is at a 15-year high, and 41.3% of criminals do not have a German passport), Germany is now willing to deport the heinous criminals. Of course, this could have and should have all been avoided with border security and common sense immigration laws.

Meanwhile, Sweden’s conservative party just proposed their own “EUROPEAN DEPORTATION PACT” in response to the EU’s flawed Migration Pact. The Deportation Pact includes reforms that will actually stop the incoming flow of mass migration and deter more from coming over. You can read more about the proposed policy HERE.

The European Deportation Act is a glimmer of hope as some EU bureaucrats are slowly waking up and realizing that free flowing immigration puts their citizens at risk.


  • Fox NewsGerman police officer who was stabbed by Afghan immigrant has died
  • AP: German authorities see Islamic extremist motive in Mannheim knife attack
  • New York Times: Six Injured in Stabbing in Germany
  • European Conservative: Focusing on the Wrong Threat: Islam Critic Wounded in Attack Was Under State Surveillance
  • @EUUSForum: Days ago a German police officer was killed by an Afghan ‘asylum seeker.’ What will it take for the ‘leaders’ in charge to wake up and protect the citizens they are supposed to serve?
  • @OilLondonTV: Islamist goes on STABBING RAMPAGE in Mannheim, Germany- stabbing multiple people. The man stabbed a group of campaigners for the anti-Islamist BPE political party. As they moved to restrain the knifeman, he lunged at them, stabbing multiple people. He then went on to stab a police officer in the back of the neck before being shot by police and arrested.
  • @libsoftiktok: BREAKING: Muslim migrant in Germany goes on stabbing spree. Stabs multiple people including a police officer


  • European Conservative: Poll: Half of Britons Want a Freeze on Almost All Legal Migration
  • BBC: Conservatives plan cap on migrant visas
  • Bloomberg: Portugal to Tighten Visa Rules in Response to Record Immigration
  • European Conservative: Sweden: Iran Uses Criminal Gangs To Carry Out Terror Attacks
  • AP: Italy’s premier visits Albania as controversial plan to hold Italy-bound migrants nears its start
  • Reuters: Italy’s Albanian migrant centre to open up in August, Meloni says
  • European Conservative: VOX Cracks Down on Illegal Residence Registrations Amid Rising Crime
  • @Mick_O_Keeffe:📍Dublin. Locals protested today. Just a few days before the elections and the message is clear, Ireland will no longer tolerate mass immigration.
  • @Mick_O_Keeffe:📍Dublin. A mother opens her front door to find random Africans sleeping outside. Mass immigration is terrorising the people of Ireland.

3. 🚜 FARMERS VS. BUG EATERS: The Dutch Farmers Defence Force’s protests joined thousands of farmers from all over the EU to again protest Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s Green Deal, which is harming their livelihoods and the domestic food supply.

Their message for Ursula? Support Europe’s farmers and the agriculture industry or you’ll be eating BUGS FOR BREAKFAST (Yes, we’re talking about you, WEF)

Farmers and supporters spoke of how the EU’s poor policy making is crippling Europe’s agriculture industry. Farmers from Poland, Italy, Spain, Romania, and Belgium all gathered in Brussels to let their voices be heard by the bureaucrats in power.

In no surprise, the Leftist media promulgates that the farmers’ movement is a merely right-wing extremist movement (Politico called them “fringe militant farmers” pushing for “far right” policies). The reality is that farmers have been ruined financially and functionally by the EU’s heavy regulations. Meanwhile, their international competitors’ cheaper products (not subject to the same regulations) have been flooding Europe instead. EU farmers have been left behind, and the EU and the media do not care.

🌾 EUROPEANS WANT TO REINVIGORATE DOMESTIC AGRICULTURE: In a recent EU-US Forum poll, Europeans overwhelmingly agreed that Europe “must reestablish domestic food production and encourage farming within our borders.”


  • @EUUSForum: The farmers aren’t backing down and neither are we. Now is the time to make our voices heard by Brussels and send the Elites our message.
  • @ChagnonPatricia: 🟢 #Bruxelles “People of Europe: listen to us! » 🚜🌾 In front of Parliament #UE of #AgriculteursEnColère denounce the empty promises of the technocrats. They are calling on people to VOTE to send home those who betray them! #VivementLe9Juin SUPPORT 💪🏻
  • @FDF_Nederland: #Boerentrots #Brussel #EU #FDF
  • @WallStreetSilv: BREAKING: French and Spanish farmers have just BLOCKED all major routes across their shared border in a HUGE protest against the EU. A strong message sent to politicians ahead of EU elections on Thursday. No farmers, No food. 🔊 … 🚨🚨🚨
  • @ZiaWeise: Lotsa German flags on the tractors leading the latest protest in the EU quarter
  • @PeterSweden7: IT’S HAPPENING 🚜🚜🚜 Thousands of farmers are heading towards Brussels to protest against EU climate policies. You won’t see this on the news 👇
  • @ZiaWeise: Organizers include: the Dutch Farmers Defence Force, “whose top members have compared the treatment of farmers to the Holocaust” & Germany’s 2nd-largest farmers’ union… “whose spokesperson has been criticized for being too close to the far-right AfD…”

🤬 EU’S BIG TECH CENSORSHIP TOUR: The EU’s “Transparency” Commissioner spent the whole week in California lobbying Big Tech to enforce EVEN MORE CENSORSHIP around political speech as the EU elections kick off today.

According to the European Conservative, “Potential EU funding for ideologically approved media outlets,” and, “the impact of AI-generated deepfake videos on elections,” were on the agenda in Silicon Valley this week.

Věra Jourová, the EU Vice President of the European Commission for Values and Transparency, kicked off their “Democracy Tour” stop in California, meeting with California Governor Gavin Newsom and tech execs to talk about ways the EU and tech companies can work together to “support democracy” (this comes as reports say apple like TikTok have attracted conservative youth, standing as a threat to Brussels’ status quo).

The think tank MMC Brussel said of the visit:

“[The Commissioner is] not just on an EU-funded trip for the sunshine; she’s there to put pressure on Big Tech to further control what can be said online. Before the election, controlling the narrative is no.1 priority.”

Don’t believe it? VP Jourová recently directly connected her California trip to shutting down right-wing populism.


  • EuroNews: EU Elections: Spain’s young voters are increasingly polarised by gender

  • Reuters: In blow to PM, Brexit champion Nigel Farage to stand in UK election

  • Breitbart: ‘Rebirth of the Right’ — Orbán Urges Meloni to Forge Populist Coalition with Le Pen in EU Parliament

  • European Conservative: The EU Agenda is a Leftist Agenda: An Interview with Professor Ryszard Legutko

  • New York Times: Spain Approves Amnesty for Separatists in 2017 Catalan Independence Vote

Do you have videos or stories about the impact of the EU’s disastrous policies? Send us a tip at info@eu-usforum.com.

EU-US FORUM PANEL WRAP UP: We’ve got more content from the recent EU US Forum border panel: Check out our video with event panelists Chad Wolf, Kara Frederick, Dave Rubin, Matt Mowers, and Joe Grogan talking about their message to Europeans ahead of the EU elections this weekend. Watch what they had to say below ⬇️

And if you missed the panel discussion, you can watch The Rubin Report’s stream HERE 👀 or our recap below.👇